
The tendinitis defines like “inflammation of a sinew”
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the tendinitis defines like “inflammation of a sinew”. The inflammation, by his part, characterises by disorders of the circulation of the blood, increase of heat, enrojecimiento, swell and ache.
Mainly, they produce during the sportive practice and/ or labour, being the direct traumatisms in the sport, the sobresfuerzos muscular and the repetitive movements the most frequent causes.
Classification of the tendinitis
The most common form to differentiate the type of tendinitis, is in function of his location, receiving in occasions appoint specific. Making a review of the regions more frequently affected in the body, fits to mention:
In the shoulder, the tendinitis of the supraspinous or manguito of the rotadores.
In the elbow, the epicondilitis (known like the famous “elbow of tennist”, that affects to the sinews of the external region of the forearm) and epitrocleitis (“elbow of golfista”, if it is in the internal region of the forearm).
In the wrist, tendinitis of Of Quervain (affectation of the base of the thumb).
In knee, the tendinitis anserina (expensive intern of the knee) and rotuliana (under entitles it).
In the heel, tendinitis Aquilea.
Symptoms of the tendinitis
The patient attends to the doctor by ache in a region of the body and impossibility to make some activities of the daily life. Like example, can quote in the injuries of sinew of the shoulder, the impossibility of the patients to lace the bra, comb or put and remove a jacket.
To diagnose an injury of the sinew, the doctor, generally will do him make a movement against resistance, and the patient will see make by the ache. Inside the complementary tests, can ask a magnetic resonance and / or echography to ensure of the degree of injury of the sinew.
Treatment of the tendinitis
In the first place, it recommends the relative rest. Like this if the origin of the injury was the realisation of some sport, rest. However, in a lot of cases are produced like consequence of the labour activity and the patient has to continue. In these cases, recommends employ material ortopédico like coderas, kneepads or kinesiotape during the realisation of the activity that lesiona the sinew.
If it attends to the doctor, generally will prescribe him AINES (anti-inflammatories) and / or analgesics. In occasions, if it does not improve can indicate him the infiltration.
The therapist, by his part, can help him with the application of manual technicians (estiramientos, massage with ice, Cyriax…) or instrumental.
Conclusion of the tendinitis
The injuries in the sinews produce commonly by a repetitive movement, try reposar some days of said activity (or plant some material ortopédico that limit the impact). Put cold on the sinew when ending up the activity that produces the annoyances, and the most important attend what before to a therapist that him of the guidelines to be followed and achieve better his mobility and reduce his ache.