Emotions that affect to your back

Which emotions damage our back?
Symptoms and emotions that affect to your back
Although it do not look it, the origin of the aches of back can be due to our more inner problems and to the emotions.
The big majority of the times, all these feelings, problems, stress, negative states, emotions that can not express and that save inside, our body is able to transform all these psychic problems in physical states.
To understand it much better; our body is able to recognise the psychic ache as if it was physical and put in alert if it considers it too painful as to be able to suffer it. From here that the organism release adrenaline to be able to counter said ache and for this is necessary that the body experience physical ache.
When this situation produces , the muscles, articulations and sinews are those that more suffer the consequence. As it produces less blood contribution causing a blockade of the oxygen in muscles, articulations and sinews and achieving a lot of stress in these zones and ache.
Which emotions damage our back?
We begin from the Cervical zone:
C1: Fear and confusion. The majority of the times is for escaping of the life or for having a feeling of not costing.
C2: Indecision, grudge, negation.
C3: Fault, indecision, overwhelm.
C4: Ire repressed, feelings blocked, culpability,
C5: Fear to express , fear to the humiliation, fear to the rejection.
C6: Rabies, confusion, inflexibilidad
C7: Rabies, feeling of dejadez, solitude.
The aches in the part of the cervical relate with the communication or state to face the life. If we leave to think so much what have to do and express the feelings surely improve all the top of the back.
Emotions in the Dorsal zone:
D1: Fear to the life. Impossibility to face the things
D2: Inability to show feelings. Ache, fear.
D3: Inner chaos, inability to communicate .
D4: It critiques to the other, bitterness.
D5: Fury, rabies, ire, rejection of emotions
D6: Negative emotions saved, fear to the future.
D7: Fear to enjoy, ache.
D8: Fear to the failure
D9: Victimismo, fear to the life.
D10: Victimismo, fear to the responsibility.
D11: Fear to relate
D12: Insecurity, fear to love.
The ache in the dorsal zone indicates us an excess of responsibility and of load. We have to leave to assume so many responsibilities and leave the load to feel us better.
Symptoms in the Lumbar zone:
L1: Insecurity, win of solitude.
L2: Live past times, stagnation of the reality.
L3: Hate to one same, culpability
L4: Feeling of impotence, economic insecurity, fear to the profession.
L5: Insecurity, fear to the sex.
The lumbar Ache means insecurity and fears. We need to leave to a side the problems spent to centre us in the present and like this solve many of these physical problems