As desintoxicar your organism after parties.

Desintoxicar Your organism after parties.
As desintoxicar your organism after parties.
How desintoxicar our organism, contribute him nutrients and clean our urinary and digestive devices, to feel us better.
The liquids are our friends.
If we want to debug the body, at all better that drink abundant water, that helps us to delete, especially if we do it in ayunas, actuate the metabolism and give to our skin all the hydratation that has gone losing in these last days.
Adding to the water some drops of lemon will augment his effect depurativo, since the citrus acid contributes to clean the organism.
To avert the retention of liquids can take infusions diuréticas, like the tail of horse, the green tea or the red, that besides accelerate the metabolism. If still like this we follow us feeling bloated, the infusions of fennel help to dissolve the gases.
The broths of celery, carrot, onion etc, juices of apple or grape, tambien are very good options, with which also will achieve to debug and hidratarnos with few calories.
Foods that help us to debug... And others that no
In addition to in juices, consuming the whole fruits will take advantage of all his fibre and his vitamins and will achieve to reestablish the balance of our body. All cost, but stand out the grape and the pear, that with his tall content in pectin help us to delete toxins.
The vegetables of green leaf like the spinaches, the berros or the rúcula, by his content in chlorophyl are perfect to clean our stomach, besides contribute antioxidant and vitamins and to the equal that the fruits strengthen our immune system, that after so much party can that it walk a poquito waned.
Can take cooked or in salad, although this option in winter apetece less,
Also they are very depurativas and diuréticas the soups of onion since have specific enzymes for purificar our organism.
We have to moderate the consumption of salt, but can substitute it by fresh herbs or spices like the parsley, the basil, the ginger, the pepper, the oregano etc. to avert follow retaining liquid.
Without forgetting that a lot of poised foods and some preserves contain big quantities of salt. Also it is more suitable to opt by integral cereals that contribute us nutrients and facilitate the digestion, that by products elaborated with flours refinadas, bollería industrial, etc. that besides they are used to to contain fats hydrogenated, glutamate monosódico and a lot of sugar.
Some guidelines to take
In addition to the what eat also is important how cook it, if we want to debug our body the best is to consume the fresh foods (vegetables),to the steam, boiled, to the oven or to the iron, averting rebozados, frituras and heavy preparations or with too many sauces.
In the aliños can substitute the vinegar by juice of lemon, grapefruit or file and like this take advantage of his properties depurativas.
Eat slowly, chewing well each bite will do us digest better.
Restart our routine of exercises, or if we do not have it begin to move us (exit to walk, go up stairs, practise yoga...) Also it will help us to feel us better.
Finally with dining light, some hours before going us to sleep, and give us every night among 7 and 8 hours of sleep.