
The stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension.
Stress And ANXIETY
The stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension. It can come from of any situation or thought that do it feel to one frustrated, raging or nervous.
The stress is a normal feeling. There are two main types of stress:
Acute stress. This is stress in the short term that disappears quickly. It can feel it when presiona the brakes, fight with his couple or esquía in a slope. This helps him to control the dangerous situations. Also it occurs when it does something new or thrilling. All the people feel acute stress sometime or another.
Chronic stress. This is the stress that hard by a period of prolonged time. You can have chronic stress if has problems of money, an unhappy marriage or problems in the work. Any type of stress that continues by weeks or months is chronic stress.
His body reacts in front of the stress when releasing hormones. These hormones do that his brain was more alert, cause that his muscles tensionen and augment his pulse. In the short term, these reactions are good because they can help him to handle the situation that causes the stress. This is the way in that his body protects to himself same.
When has chronic stress, his body maintains alert even when there is not danger. Over time, this puts him in risk of problems of health, including:
Tall arterial pressure, cardiac insufficiency, diabetes, obesity, depression or anxiety, problems of the skin, like acne or eczema, problems menstruales.
The stress can cause a lot of types of physical and emotional symptoms. Some times possibly will not darse that these symptoms are ocasionados by the stress. Here there are some signs that the stress can be him affecting:
Diarrhoea or constipation, bad memory, aches and attribute frequent, headaches,
Fault of energy or concentration, sexual problems, collar or rigid jaw, tiredness, problems to sleep or sleep too much, unrest of stomach,
Use of alcohol or drugs to relax , loss or increase of weight.
The causes of the stress are different for each person. You can have stress owing to good challenges and also owing to the bad. Some common sources of stress include:
Marry or divorce, begin a new use, the death of a spouse or a familiar near, dismissal, retirement, have a baby, problems of money, have a grave illness, problems in the work, problems home.
How face up to the stress
There are not formulas to cure the stress, but what himself can do is to reduce the situations of overburdens. For this, have to program the activities to avert that they accrue and turn catastrophes. Here you have how attain it to achieve face up to the stress:
It delegates responsibilities: it learns to say 'no' to that that can not fulfil.
It tries to see the changes like something positive and no like a threat. Ask help to the friends or familiar and, when it was necessary, head to professionals.
Lean you in your beings wanted. Ask them help if you think that need it, and do not feign that you are well, because the impostura can cause you more anxiety still.
It learns to relax you. A form of relaxation: recostarse on a flat surface, planting a hand on the stomach, and the another in the breast. Inhale air at the same time that the stomach inflates , and exhale it while the low stomach.
It practises physical exercise every day of moderate form.
It sleeps the sufficient. If you do not rest well without motive, consults what before with a specialist.
No you car mediques, neither to relax you neither to sleep.
A good manual therapy. A massage from time to time helped you to relax you and combat the stress.