Sprains and muscular distentions

They are injuries of the muscles and of the ligaments.
Sprains and muscular distentions
What are the sprains and muscular distentions?
The distentions and sprains are injuries of the muscles and of the ligaments without arriving to produce luxation of the articulation neither osseous fracture. A sprain is an injury in any of the fibres of a ligament without arriving to his break. A muscular distention is an estiramiento or break of muscular fibres.
In dependency of the harm produced in the ligaments or in the muscular fibres, designate the degrees of the sprains and of the distentions, from the degree 1 in which there is not grave affectation of the fibres of the ligament or of the muscle affected, until the degree 3 in which there is break of ligaments or of the muscle, and therefore an important alteration of the articular or muscular function.
How they produce ?
The majority of the distentions produce because the muscle has been pulled further of his limits or has contracted of way very forced. The sprains produce by an unsuitable support of the articulation, with position forced and estiramiento further of the limits of the ligaments of the articulation.
How they diagnose ?
In the diagnostic is important to know when and how occurred the traumatism as well as his intensity and direction; when they began the symptoms: ache, inflammation, hematoma, functional impotence, heat and feeling of unsteadiness; if it noted a sputtering or pressure in the moment of the traumatism.
The symptoms associated to the sprains and distentions are:
Deformity or asymmetry comparing the member affected with the another. A distention with a complete break of fibres produces a desnivel in the zone of the muscle where have broken these fibres, with an abultamiento to level of the insertion tendinosa of the fibres lesionadas. Local heat, that involves inflammation.
Alteration of the sensibility located in the zone of the muscle or ligament lesionado.
Swell and/or hematoma. They are used to to appear time after the traumatism.
The muscular distentions often cursan with important hematomas.
Difficulty or functional impossibility: it worsens during the first days to measure that augments the inflammation.
Absence of osseous ache, deformity, swell, asymmetry or symptoms of nervous injury (whose presence are indicativos of fractures or osseous injuries and/or nervous).
It can be necessary make a X-ray when it suspect a fracture or was necessary descartarla in front of the presence of symptoms indicativos of existence of osseous fracture.
How they evolve?
The prognosis of the sprain of ankle is well, independently of the severity of the sprain. The time of complete recovery depends, logically, of the gravity of the injury. The patients with a moderate sprain, recover his normal activity in one or two weeks. If it treats of a severe sprain that has required immobilisation, is used to to require among 3 and six weeks of recovery, although in some cases perdura during a time the ache, the swell and/or feeling of unsteadiness, although these do not are used to to prevent of appreciable form the functionality of the articulation or extremity lesionadas.
In the evolution influence, in general:
Early mobilisation: in the rehabilitation the most important is the early mobilisation, inside the limits that allow the ache. It has to augment the amplitude of the movement each day a bit.
Avert the vendaje prolonged. It exists little profit with the use of the vendaje compresivo after 48 hours.
How they treat ?
Rest and elevation: has to stabilise and protect the region affected with a vendaje elastic in the first 48 hours. The complete immobilisation is not indicated. The elevation helps to reduce the swell. It is advisable the early mobilisation, beginning typically after two days of rest.
Ice: the ice reduces the ache and has to apply the before possible, by means of a stock exchange with ice hammered that it adapt to the zone lesionada, protecting the skin (e.g. a towel) and applying it in successive sessions, allowing that the region affected recover the normal temperature when it has remained cold and insensitive before going back to apply it. Can repeat , following these norms, so many times as it want during the first 48 hours.
Compression: help to reduce the inflammation. It makes with a vendaje elastic without arriving to hamper the blood watering. If the toes put cianóticos or presents intense ache has to remove the vendaje.
Treatment of the ache with analgesics, like the paracetamol. The anti-inflammatories no esteroideos also are effective for the control of the ache but his secondary effects are main, but can reduce the time of curing of the distentions or sprains, and can consider his use by the doctor when the patient need to go back to his work the before possible.