Knots in the back?

The knots of which the people complains are not another thing that muscular contractures.
That they ARE THE KNOTS IN THE BACK? (Contracture)
The knots of which a lot of people complains are not another thing that muscular contractures. They are very common and sometimes can be grave. The motive by which calls him knot is that many times the contractures are palpable through the skin like some bultos.
A contracture is not more than a contraction exaggerated of the fibres that form the muscle, of way continued.
In occasions can palpar through the skin as if it was a bulto or zone toughened that produces local ache and alters the normal operation of the muscle. Usually the ache can irradiar to another zone, produce headaches, seasicknesses, hormigueos or feeling of adormecimiento in extremities etc.
Reason APPEAR?
The muscular contracture can appear by several motives.
When demanding him an upper endeavour to the that is able to endure, already was in a moment punctual or by repetitive endeavours, generate in the muscle a fatigue.
When the muscle is weakened and does not have the necessary force to make the activity that go to make.
To consequence of the sedentarism, the muscles are not in the best conditions by what are more susceptible to suffer contractures in front of a small endeavour.
Also by repetitive postures and forced; for example, attach the telephone with the ear and the shoulder, study with the very bent head…
By estiramiento brusque of a muscular group: the muscle like defence contracts .
Bad diet, that in the long run can produce an accrued of toxins and a bad operation of some organs like liver and kidney.
Some emotions like the stress or the anxiety release a series of chemical elements that spend to the muscle to a state of contraction maintained.
When we make a physical endeavour, a series of metabolic wastes go accruing inside the muscular fibre, what does that the blood do not arrive of suitable way. To the not having a sufficient irrigation, the toxic wastes of the muscular fibres are not able to delete and therefore every time it is main the cumulus of toxins. This accumulation nettles the nervous terminations causing us ache and like consequence will augment the muscular tone. This tone augmented of constant way is what call contracture. The muscular tone augmented, will do that our muscle was harder, more tense and therefore the capacity of movement of this muscle will be minor.
Once comprised the causes by which are formed the contractures will be easier to avert them.
To avert the apparition of contractures the best is the prevention:
Make a suitable warming to prepare to the muscle before an endeavour.
Go augmenting progressively the intensity and loads.
Estiramientos To improve the muscular flexibility and facilitate the recovery of the muscle after the activity.
Avert postures maintained in the time. It accustoms to change of postures and do estiramientos light along the day.
When we already have the muscular contracture does not remain us more remedy that treat it.
It is not convenient to treat a contracture by ours has inappropriate massages or drugs advised by some known, the best is to go to the doctor or quiromasajista so that it see of which type of contracture treats . It attends to a professional especially if:
The contracture prevents the movement, in addition to ache seat pricks or feeling of electrical download, hormigueos, or adormecimiento of an extremity, does not yield the ache in more than a week.
The doctor will be able to recetar miorelajantes and anti-inflammatories with the aim to relax the musculature reducing the contraction, but take that these drugs will not treat the contracture. They are used to to prescribe in cases in which the ache is very strong.
The muscular contractures are the main cause of surgery in quiromasaje.
Massages: With the massage cause that it arrive more quantity of blood to the place of the contracture, favouring the recovery of the tissue and deleting metabolites. Like consequence, achieves a relaxation of the muscle and therefore a decrease of the ache. The advisable is to attend to a centre where you of a massage a person titled in quiromasaje, since if it made it a person without the necessary knowledges, could worsen the contracture.