Reiki So that it serves?

Reiki Is Alternative medicine.
Reiki: For what serves?
The Therapy of Reiki is Alternative medicine, universal energy that acts sanando the challenges of health in the four levels: emotional, mental, physicist and spiritual.
Since the Therapy of Reiki healthy to all the levels, is a great help to arrive at the end of the origins of an illness. The first is to understand the cause and work it with Reiki, for afterwards relieve the symptoms that this has originated, many times self-evident in the emotional bodies and physicist.
Reiki Acts going down the levels of anxiety, pity, fear, insecurity, solitude, panic, etc. going up progressively the vital energy intern, which produces reordenamiento cellular and of the immune system (defences of the organism) which incide in the natural mejoría of the patient.
A person depressed feels tired, drop in energies, without win to face the world. Reiki Pipes the energy that surrounds us to the patient, augmenting his personal force and his win to live and follow struggling. At the same time it balances us, allowing us visualise our problems in a frame but realistic.
Reiki Has wonderful effects to delete the stress, since it is a practical and effective system to treat so much the symptoms like the causes. One of his main advantages is that it does not depend the beliefs neither capacities of the people, since you do not need meditar, visualise etc. His practical appearance fits very well with the labour stress, for example, because Reiki "goes to the grain", treating the symptoms of immediate form at the same time that works appearances deeper to unaware level.
Relief of symptoms:
First, healthy the symptoms of the stress in the short term, contributing a feeling of peace and tranquility during and after each session. It relieves the feelings of anxiety, assault and depression that accompany to the stress.
It fills us of energy physically, strengthening us to be able to face situations estresantes and help to dissipate headaches, muscular tensions, seasicknesses etc. that are used to to be physical manifestations of the stress.
[It is possible that your browser do not allow to visualise this image.] An allergy is a disproportionate reaction of our body to an element that considers like an invasor. Struggle against an enemy of our own creation is an act of assault, a fight subconsciente against a part of our life that scares us or do not wish. The resistance is the contrary to the amour, since love means to accept.
The substance that unchains the allergy is a symbol of the appearance of your life against which these struggling or trying avert. It examines the appearances of your life in what you are in conflict.
Dolores of back:
[It is possible that your browser do not allow to visualise this image.] The back represents subjects of support. Problems of back indicate that you seat an excess of responsibility but do not want to admit it. Or perhaps you consider that you do not receive the support that deserve you.
Dolores in the top of the back represent a fault of emotional support. It can represent a fault of emotional delivery of your part. Dolores in the central part of the back correspond to feelings of culpability in the past. In the lumbar zone, represents a fault of material or economic support. A fear to the future related with the money.
It opens your heart to the amour and support of the Universe in place to upload you with all the weight. It offers amour and confidence to others and will receive of turn much more of what was distant.
Tall pressure:
A tall pressure is the result of the blood presionando on the walls of the arteries during the different phases of pumping of the heart. It occurs when you do not express your feelings and emotions during a long period of time. You live constantly to the brink of the conflict, without arriving to conclusions, under a constant pressure.
On the contrary, a low pressure is consequence to evade problems. It occurs when you suffer of a fault of vital energy and are not able to do you note. Also it can indicate an attempt to evade or not recognising your sexuality.
It observes the energies inside you. You do not judge. If you are honest and face your problems, will find a new calm (tall pressure) or a new energy (low pressure).
Bulimia or Nervous Bulimia:
This illness is caused by a need to live, be loved and receive "emotional food". There is a feeling of empty that are trying to fill desperately. It can that you feel you unsure and with fear to the stray.
It learns to love you such as you are, will be you easier accept the amour of others, because you deserve it. Darse that there is a source without limits of amour and spiritual food - and is inside you.
Colds and flu:
A chronic conflict is going up to the surface. It is a way that has your body of purificarse, releasing of chemical products of the lunch, drunk, air etc. that ingieres.
It takes the opportunity to rest and leave that your body regenerate .
[It is possible that your browser do not allow to visualise this image.] Many times it is related with the avarice, the not wanting to "soltar" (usually material possessions). Also it can be that you are stuck to ancient beliefs and repress problems, dreading the results if they emerged to the surface.
You have to learn to soltar. It leaves that the life flow through you and will find the security and wealth that searches. What truly you sustenta comes of God and no of external sources.
It indicates a desire to be loved, combined with an inhabilidad to leave love. The result is "hiperacidez" or was, those that do not love, go back sour. It is missing you the sweetness of the life and miss the amour that can not give.
You do not expect this imaginary ideal couple, leaves that the amour arrive you from everywhere. Loose the past and recognises that the amour, the enjoy and the affection are fundamental elements of the life.
Tiredness (Syndrome of the Chronic Tiredness):
Possibly caused by a blockade in the chakra throat. You seat a total fault of motivation and a security that all will go bad.
You need to stimulate you and put you dip, without remaining you anchored in thoughts angustiosos on the present or the past.
Cardiac problems:
[It is possible that your browser do not allow to visualise this image.] It indicates a fault of compassion or the do things without a lot of conviction. An excess of emotions and a need to struggle by the survival also are indications of this type of ailment.
Ask you if your heart and your head or in other words your emotions and your intellect are in balance. You live in contact with your heart? Or you need to put you ailing before being able to really be in contact with the? It connects with your feelings of amour and will not have problems of heart.
Like energetic therapy the reiki is not linked to any ideology neither religion. In fact, the Catholic Church has to masters reiki among his members. No in vain in the New Will relates how the apostles made miracles by means of the imposición of hands for sanar for Jesús. They change the way to say it but no the meaning: where the Japanese tradition speech of universal energy of the life, the Catholics say God. “It is not incompatible with the Catholic faith, for me is God the one who cure. In fact, I open the session of reiki with a Bird María”, explains sor Margarita, a monk that studied reiki like tool to relieve to the most disadvantaged. It is more, the own John Paul II gave the blessing to sor Mariusza, Polish and master monk reiki by his work in the Congregation of the Posjonistek.
Those that practise it ensure that what more reiki do, better seat you. And it is that discover that your health and your happiness are near at hand of your hand, never better said, changes it everything. Although still many resists to think that the power is in the palm of his hand.