The massage is good for you?

The massage relieves the ache in a lot of people.
Why the therapy of massages in good for you?
The massage has used from the antiquity to relieve the ache and promote the curing.
Surgery with a therapist of massage with licence to argue which type of massage can work better for you and how can benefit you of the therapy of massages.
An aliviador of the natural ache
The massage relieves the ache in a lot of people, including those with arthritis, fibromialgia, lupus, injuries of back, migraines, sportive injuries and many other conditions. The massage relieves the ache by means of the reduction of the muscular tension and also by means of the activation of the release of endorfinas, chemicals of the brain, that relieve the ache of course, according to the Florida State Massage Therapy Association.
Help with the depression
According to the Florida State Massage Therapy Association, the massage augments the level of serotonin in the brain, that helps to warn or diminish the depression. This is the same that do a lot of antidepressant, known like inhibidores of the recaptación of serotonin, or ISRS. Besides, a lot of people find it reconfortante and simply benefit of the human contact and a sense of connection with the therapist, that also can help with the depression.
It reduces levels of stress
The massage diminishes the tension and induces to the relaxation, that relieves the anxiety. The increase of the serotonin helps to reduce the anxiety, also. The massage relieves some of the physical symptoms of the anxiety, like the fast cardiac frequency.
It traps better to the sleep
The massage relaxes to a lot of people, which can help with the sleeplessness and improve the quality of the sleep. The anxiety, the ache and the depression often interfere with a good night of sleep, and when the massage helps to relieve these conditions, also can improve it.
It improves the operation of the immune system
As, a website operated by Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals to educate to the public about massage, the massage improves the operation of the immune system stimulating the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system help to the body to undo of the wastes, waste, toxins and pathogenic agents. The fluid circulates through the lymphatic system like the blood circulates by the cardiovascular system, but does not exist any bomb like the heart to help to the lymphatic liquid to circulate. The massage does to circulate to the lymphatic liquid, as it explains in the web page of National Integrated Health Associates.
It achieves the one who blood flow
According to the Florida State Massage Therapy Association, the massage diminishes the tall arterial pressure and also the heart rate. Of course, the massage helps to the people to relax and also reduces the arterial pressure and improves the circulation, as, which improves the blood flow to all the organs. The good circulation improves the condition of the skin, also, that in reality is the biggest organ of the body. Even it can reduce scars or groove.