Eat with head

Foods that cure.
It eats with head
Why we fatten?
To what has to that they like us so much the foods insanos and processed?
The modern society has jumped all the alimentary norms dictated by the wise nature, until the extreme that literally we die by the lunch.
Among others undesirable effects for the health, the excess of weight causes loss of osseous mass and a pressure in the articulations that drives to the arthritis.
Eaten rubbish. Hammer something fast is a very usual way to satiate the hunger and at the same time of cebarnos of calories. In addition to fattening the excess of fats and sugars damages the liver and augments the risk to suffer cardiovascular illnesses and diabetes.
8 Superalimentos
1. Green leaves.
Although rare time consume them like main dish, the vegetables of green leaf are one of the healthiest foods that we can incorporate to our diet.
2. Red fruits.
Basses in sugars and with an excellent nutritional composition, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries or Muslims gather one of the main concentrations of antioxidants of the nature. Therefore his consumption relates with a reduction in the risk to suffer diabetes, cancer or cognitive decline.
3. Seeds.
Similar to the nuts by his concentration of antioxidants, acidos grasos and mineral, distinguish by his abundance of trace elements.
4. Tomato.
The levels of carotenoides in the skin in this berry are, according to a studio published the 2011 in the magazine Nutrition Research, an optimum indicator of the health in general. The presence of the quoted pigments in the organism relates with a minor risk of death, especially, if we speak of a carotenoide called licopeno, that protects in front of several types of cancer and improves the cardiovascular health.
5. Nuts.
Rich and very energetic, the raw nuts are the ideal food to hammer among hours. In addition to a high value calórico, possess big quantity of sour grasos omega-3 and omega-6, proteins, vitamins, mineral and fibre. His acids grasos help to warn cardiovascular illnesses, since they improve the health of the circulatory system and temper the arterial pressure.
6. Legumes.
If we want to consume few calories, a lot of fibre and carbohydrates of high nutritional value, at all better that a good dish of lentils, chickpeas or Jewish. His low glycemic index stabilises the concentrations of sugar in blood and contributes to improve the symptoms of the diabetes.
Likewise they have protective effects of the digestive system.
7. Granada.
His high concentration in antioxidants is of leftovers known, is due to the presence of a compound that exists in very few plants.
The punicalagina, a molecule of the family of the tannins, fight the arterioesclerosis and contributes to control the arterial pressure.
8. Green tea.
According to an oriental proverb, “is better to spend three days without lunch that one without tea”. It contributes big quantity of antioxidants, able to warn the cellular harm and accelerate the digestion, is a good vasodilatador and several studios indicate that a moderate consumption of green tea diminishes the risk of death by cardiovascular illness.