The ache can cure

What is the ache?
Tablets or Therapies Fisicas Natural?
The ache in the system musculo-skeletal is the second main cause of surgery in Primary Attention, and the half of these surgeries are related with the chronic ache. This is that that hard more than three months or self-evident five days to the week, of intermittent form, so that it spends to be a symptom to be an illness.
It was in the column, in the articulations or in the muscular mass, the ache is present in the life of 33% of the feminine population, is twice more elevated among the women that among the men, and his prevalencia augments with the age from the 45 years.
But anybody has to resignarse to suffer annoyances day after day. The ache reduces the quality of life. It puts us of bad humour and the relation with the other resiente.
A lot of people with chronic ache even have to leave to work. Migraines, ache of back, in the cervical, in the articulations, in the muscles, in the hands, in the feet can do very difficult of sobrellevar.
What is the ache?
It is a complex process the skin and the vísceras have some nervous receptors, the nocicptores. When the tissues result damaged, release some substances that originate a nervous impulse, a signal. This “travels” until the medula, that filters it before leaving that it arrive to the brain, where finally builds “” the feeling of ache.
They exist aches of different types:
Located. It refers to the place in which it originates in the skin, in bones, nerves and muscles.
Irradiado. It transmits along a nerve, extending from a place of origin. For example the ache of the nerve ciático with frequency irradia to the leg.
Referred. It feels in a part of the distinct body to the one of the place of origin. A typical case is the ache in the shoulder that accompanies to the inflammation of the gall bladder.
The ache goes back when they leave the analgesics because it has not acted on the origin of the problem. It does not be necessary to conform with the same tablet for all.
They exist strategies no farmacological that help to feel better. The available variety of therapies allow to adjust the treatment and achieve a fantastic result.
Also it is necessary to take the psychological factors, biological, social and environmental.
An ache without an obvious cause can trace to an accident whose wounds cured but that left a memory in the body in shape of sensibility exaggerated to the ache. A death or a grave illness of a familiar also can shelter in the own body. The stress can manifest in shape of ache in the back, shoulders, knees, feet and hands.
The excessive work, without periods of rest neither relaxation, obliges to maintain constant the levels hormonales of cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenalina, what drives to the break of the balance of the rhythms circadianos (levels along the day). Like consequence alter the phases of the sleep and the depth of the nocturnal rest, what produces the feeling of matutinal tiredness. Tambien Drives the alteration of the intestinal rhythm and, in occasions, an increase of the feeling of anxiety and anguish. It produces asi same an increase of the muscular contracture, with increase of the ache in the cervical zones, dorsal and lumbar.
The commitment does not end up when exiting of the surgery of the therapist, is important to spend a lifestyle that boost the health and the welfare.
It takes advantage of the good time. It exists a relation among the deficiency of vitamin D and the ache, since this help to reduce the inflammation. Thus a bit of sun thanks to the cual this vitamin sintetiza in the skin and can help to surpass an episode of ache.
Do sport alfresco. If you do exercise daily like walking or swim help to relieve the ache because you promote the production by the body of endorfinas, some substances with analgesic effect.
It debugs your organism. The body is exposed to numerous toxic: the ones of the air contaminated that breathe, the drugs that take in excess or the waste that generates the own organism and that, if they accrue , favour the inflammation and result hurtful for the health to half and long term. Therefore a lot of aches and some illnesses that produce it (like the fibromialgia, the chronic fatigue and the jaquecas) can benefit of a cleansing of the organism.
It tries to Relax you. Practise technicians like the yoga, the taichí or the meditation allow you relax you and this contributes to manage better the ache and the bad moments in general.
Feed you well. The diet is the base of any organism, do not forget that (are what eat). It has to include main proportion of rich foods in omega-3; due to the fact that they act like protective of some illnesses. As they can be Cardiovascular illnesses (arteriosclerosis, hypertension etc.),inflamatorias (arthritis reumatoide). Do use of fruits, vegetables, integral cereals, nuts and blue fish, and reduces almost completely flesh, dairy, sugar and saturated fats.