We have to take supplements

When we have to take nutritional supplements?
When we have to take nutritional supplements?
What is a nutritional supplement?
Before I go you to explain the following concepts:
A food enriched is that to the that has increased him one or several nutrients that already had, for example: the juices enriched with vitamins.
A food fortificado is that to the that has added some component that did not have, for example: the milk to which has added sour grasos omega 3.
A nutritional supplement is not a food, but it is one or several in shape liquid or solid nutrients, for example: a poised in powder or liquid of proteins, a poised of proteins and fats, or with proteins vitamins and mineral, etc.
There are nutritional supplements with an alone nutrient, with varied and in distinct proportions, adapted to any need.
Although we speak of foods enriched and of nutritional supplements, think that is convenient that insist in saying that the most important is to do a suitable diet.
When they are advisable the nutritional supplements in boys?
To the boys with lactancia maternal, from the birth until the six months, has to them suplementar with vitamin D, 400 units by day, and with iron. If it takes lactancia artificial, no precise supplements of iron because the milk for lactantes this enriched with iron.
They need the women in fertile age some nutritional supplement?
All woman in fertile age, that have sexual relations and do not use contraceptive methods, has to to take supplements of acid fólico to warn the spine bífida of the baby in case to remain pregnant.
During the fertile age, a lot of women present levels diminished of iron, or even anaemia, because of the blood loss that causes them the rule. If a woman has abundant rules, in addition to practising a suitable diet, would be convenient that his doctor did him periodically an analytical of blood to see the ferritin, the levels of iron in blood, and if there is or no anaemia. If it is diminished the ferritin, or the iron, or there is anaemia, would be indicated to take supplements of iron, already was with foods enriched in iron or, in the majority of the cases, by means of sobres, compressed or ampollas that contain this mineral.
Which supplements need during the pregnancy?
During the pregnancy, the women will have to continue taking sour fólico and, in the majority of the cases, will need supplements of iron and calcium.
Also they will have to continue consuming iodized salt. This detail is importantísimo, as it has seen that a deficit of iodine during the pregnancy causes in the baby a decrease of the mental coefficient that estimates among the 15 and 20%.
If the woman has hipertiroidismo or any another problem of thyroid, has to that consult with his endocrine.
And during the menopause, which supplements need ?
During the menopause need 1.600 mg of calcium to the day, that is what contributes a litre of milk desnatada suplementada in calcium. Part can take in milk and part in yoghourt enriched in calcium. If the person wins weight can resort to the calcium in shape of on, compressed, etc., but is important to arrive to the 1.600 mg daily.
During the menopause need 800 units of vitamin D, that sometimes is necessary suplementar.
They have to take supplements the main people of 60 years?
In the main people of 60 years give several special circumstances, but the most important is that they reduce his needs calóricas. They need fewer calories because of the decrease of the basal metabolism and of the physical activity, but do not reduce his needs of nutrients. Desconocemos The exact needs of vitamins and minerals in main people of 60 years, but advises take integral cereals, even formulas enriched with micronutrientes.
It is correct that all the main people of 60 years take supplements of vitamins?
No. At all. The correct is to do a suitable diet and value of individual form each case.
It is convenient to take some nutritional supplement of vitamins or mineral if it is doing a diet hipocalórica to lose weight?
If a person is doing a diet of less than 1.200 calories needs supplements of vitamins and mineral. Neither it is indicated, save in special circumstances, do a diet with less than 1200 calories.
If a person does a diet hipocalórica of 1500 calories, but is very balanced, will not require supplements.
If a person, for thinning, does an unbalanced diet, the best is that pass to do a diet balanced, because the unbalanced diets, although we add them supplements, keep on being wrong.
If a person does not take fruit, neither vegetable, will have to take a complex vitamínico and a food enriched in fibre?
They see a lot of ads that present a food enriched in fibre and hint that this can substitute to the fruit or to the vegetable, and this is not like this.
The fruit and the vegetable are insustituibles place that no only have vitamins, mineral, fibre, carbohydrates, etc. But many other less known substances and even unknown but definitely necessary for the good operation of the organism.
The consumption of the quantities recommended of fruit and vegetable to the day, some 400 grams of vegetable and 400 grams of fruit,
Take this quantity Diminishes:
Of the 45 to 55% the possibility to suffer the cancer of lung
Of the 25 to 45% the possibility to suffer the cancer of colon
Of the 40 to 45% the possibility to suffer cancer of stomach.
The cancer of breast 35%
Of the 20 to the 40 % the possibility to develop a coronary illness, that is to say of infarct
The illnesses vascular brain.
The diabetes.
The obesity, for diminishing the contribution calórico.
The hypertension by the contribution of potassium.
In definite, your health and the one of your family can see benefited with the conscious election of nutritional supplements adapted for each member, of agreement to his age, sex and physical activity, with the seen well of your private doctor.