Which illnesses can cause a bad diet?

Bad Diet
Which illnesses can cause a bad diet?
The bad nutrition is one of the big problems of the modern life, because of the hastes and to the schedules complicated has generated that the eaten scrap win terrain and his excess in saturated fats, salt and calories, can damage our health.
If we do not have a diet swung and balanced, that contemplate all our needs of nutrients, vitamins and fibres, then are speaking of a bad diet, which can diminish the response of the immune system, alter the physical and mental development and increase the vulnerability to the illnesses.
Unfortunately we do not end up to comprise the risks and the importance of this subject and follow with our bad alimentary habits.
The insufficiency in fruits and vegetables constitutes one of the main factors of risk for the mortality to world-wide level, incidentally causes near of 19% of the cancers gastrointestinales, 31% of the cardiopathies and 115% of have an accident them vascular brain. His recommendation is to include at least 400daily g of fruits and vegetables to warn chronic illnesses like the cancer, the obesity, the cardiopathies or the diabetes.
Illnesses related with a bad nutrition.
1. Diabetes
This illness generates that the organism have too much sugar in the blood causing several disorders, being the main, the low production of the hormone insulin. Besides, it is graver if it begins when the person is young (diabetes juvenile). However, it is more common in the main people of 40 years, generally with sobrepeso.
It limits the consumption of foods azucarados, fats and alcohol, incorporates to your diet fruits and vegetables, integral foods and eats portions smaller.
2. Osteoporosis
This illness is the product of a rich diet in flesh, sugars refinadas and fats. To warn his apparition, the best is to consume rich foods in calcium and avert the foods processed.
3. Cancer Of Columbus
Among the cancer of colon and the bad diet exists a narrow bond. By said reasons knows also that a diet based in excesses of fat and little content of fibre, increases the risk of cancer of colon and stomach.
4. Sobrepeso And obesity
The main cause of a bad diet is the increase of weight because of the tall consumptions of lunch that exceed the necessary quantities for the organism, especially in what it refers to fats, azucares and flours. This is one of the most current illnesses in growth, in addition to that spends to a tall level of risk to the health.
5. Arterial hypertension
The excess of fats and salt in the diet can cause arterial hypertension. The high pressure prevents the suitable circulation of the blood, what can spend to cardiovascular accidents with consequences that include infarcts or embolisms. It consumes foods that include source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, fibre and minor quantity of sodium.
6. Hipercolesterolemia
The hipercolesterolemia is an illness caused by the tall level of cholesterol, which finds in the foods of animal origin like the flesh, eggs, butter and derivative. Besides, this illness damages the arteries, favouring the apparition of aterosclerosis, what in the long run can spend to an infarct.
To avert this includes in your diet foods with fibre, fruits, vegetables, blue fish, that is to say salmon, tuna, sardines, nuts and integral cereals, attaining warn the high cholesterol.
7. Drop
The drop is an illness produced by the excess in the consumption of red flesh, drunk alcoholic and azucaradas, due to the fact that this elevates the concentration of acid úrico in blood causing aches in articulations, feet and knees.
To avert it, includes main consumption of legumes, vegetables and fruits and diminishes the consumption of flesh.
8. Decay
The buccal health is closely tied with the alimentary habits and the hygiene. A constant consumption in of rich foods in sugar, fats, carbohydrates, attribute collectively with a bad hygiene.
9. Cardiovascular illnesses
The bad diet always brings consequences to cardiovascular level. The excess of fats causes an increase of the bad cholesterol, in addition to a main arterial pressure. BESIDE the obesity, conform a group of factors of important risk and almost determinant so that it produce a cardiac illness or have an accident vascular brain with regrettable consequences.
In conclusion, these are only some of the consequences of a bad diet, but consider that they will do you recapacitar in several things, remembers that a bad diet can drive you to the obesity, with all the risks that this involves. Do exercise and have a diet swung is fundamental to avert the illnesses and maintain a good quality of life.