
Foods that possess big quantity of nutrients
Foods very rich in vitamins, mineral, antioxidant, amino acids, sour grasos, fibre, enzymes and fitoquímicos.
•It contains lentinanoque has the capacity to inhibit virus and tumors, that at the same time and stimulates the lymphocytes.
•Properties: Anticancerígeno, stimulates the immune system, very useful in periods of stress, regulates the metabolism, anti-inflammatory and antihestamínico.
•It is a root originaria of Peru (very used by the Incas). It contains a lot of minerals (Calcium, phosphorus, cinc, magnesium, iodine, copper, selenium),vitamins (group B, C and And) and the 9 essential amino acids.
•It regulates to the system reproductor, augments the fertility, augments the sexual desire, contributes energy to the suprarenal glands and is very useful in periods of stress.
•1 spoonful daily tureen during 2 months and rest 1 month (without taking it).
COCO organic
•Nutritional content: mineral (potassium, iron, cinc, copper),vitamins ( group B, To and And (mainly in the water of green) Lipids (pulp of the coconut and the coconut oil): acids grasos of half chain laúrico(52%),caprílico(9%) and cáprico(7%).
•Properties: warn and treat the alzheimer, hipocolesterolemiante, diabetes, adelgazamiento (stimulate the metabolism),prevention of the cancer and treatment of the cancer (cancer of colon),antivírico, antimicótico, antibacteriano, also can help in hypothyroidism.
Seeds CHIA
•It stands out his content in omega-3, having a suitable relation with regard to the omega-6 that also contain. Since it contains more omega-3 that omega-6. It is rich in calcium and iron.
•Properties: hipocolesterolemiante, to treat the constipation (mucilages),regulates the glucemia in blood maintaining the levels of sugar in blood (diabéticos),is saciante(useful in diets of adelgazamiento).
•EsteviaRebaudiana: It contains the glucósidos diterpénicosque are the esteviósido(therapeutic properties) and rebaudiósido(only is sweetener).
•Properties: it can help to regulate the diabetes and does not elevate the levels of glucose, hypertension, hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia, and anti-inflammatory. It does not contribute kilocalorías.
•We recommend: The esteviafresca, esteviaseca or the esteviaen powder (of green colour, pqla that it is white will do of sweetener but will not have properties).