Green tea

Profits to drink green tea
Profits to drink green tea
To the green tea the scientists do not cease to find him properties lately. Chi Pui Pang, of the University of Hong Kong, has showed that the antioxidants that contains (vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxantina) can be absorbed by different tissues of the eye, included the retina, what warns the glaucoma and other ocular illnesses. Also it has checked scientifically that reduces the illnesses of the teeth and the encías. Consumed with moderation (of 3 to 6 cups to the day) diminishes the risk of death by cardiovascular illness, according to a studio published in the magazine Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association. And experiments in mice have revealed that helps to combat the obesity.
It is more, a studio made in the Medical School of Athens (Greece) indicates that 30 minutes after drinking a cup of tea the big arteries of the organism dilate , what averts circulatory problems, aterosclerosis, etc. Besides, one of his components, the epigalocatequina (EGC),promotes the growth of the osseous cells (osteoblastos) until 79%, what strengthens the bones, augments his mineralisation and help to warn the osteoporosis, as it could read in the publication Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
To this adds that the consumption asiduo of tea averts that the gall bladder inflame . Without forgetting that it inhibits the growth of the bacteria. And in the brain, the polifenoles of the tea have a protective effect on the protective cells of dopamine, so that it warns the illness of Parkinson, as it releases of a studio given to know in Biological Psychiatry. No in vain an ancient Chinese proverb prays: “it Is better to spend three days without lunch that one without tea”. This yes, does not suit to drink never this brebaje too hot -that is to say, to more than 60 ºC-, because it has showed can cause cancer of throat.
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