Quiromasaje Sportive

The sportive massage effects to prepare to a sportsman with competitive purpose before, during and after the practice of the same.
Bones: it gives them a stimulus that contributes to the best flexibility, softness and vitality of the articulations.
Muscles: it deletes the harmful substances (cleansing),which spend to the venous discharge flowing new blood oxigenada the tonifica and revivifica.
Nervous system: it relaxes the fibres sensitivas, producing a welfare and general relaxation.
Skin: help to the elimination of the dead cells of the epidermis tugging secretions of the glands sudoríparas and sebáceas, leaving it clean and healthy.
The intensive practice of the sport produces an excess of formation of toxic bodies ( sour láctico and carbonaceous acid ) that prevent the resintetización, which diminishes the capacity of contraction of the muscles, does but slow the movement and produces a state of fatigue, ache and minor or invalid performance.
The massage favours the elimination of said substances allowing an increase of the contractibilidad, the decrease of fatigue and the capacity to restart the sportive activity almost immediately.
Who is susceptible of treatment with manual therapy?
Any one of us, as we do not have to expect to have chronic aches to do a surgery with our experts in manual therapy. These chronic aches perhaps are much more rebellious to all type of treatment and the attainments obtained in his minor relief, that if we had begun treating of acute form.
For example: when have a sprain of ankle do not move it during a pretty much long time, the ache yields little by little and can reincorporarnos to a normal life. But this time in that the ankle was motionless did that determinate structures created adherencias so that it did not move , and these adherencias determine a zone of no movement or movement limited indefinitely.
The consequences probably will be on a long-term basis, small aches in knee or hip originated by a light loss of mobility in a place move of the ache and that hardly will associate to this “small” sprain. The recommendation would be not leaving to the alone body in front of the fight.