Quiromasaje To pregnant

The massages have an effect relajante for the woman during the pregnancy and help to relieve the tension accrued during the gestation.
Profits of the massage in the pregnancy
The massages have an effect relajante for the woman during the pregnancy and help to relieve the tension accrued during the gestation. Also they allow him enjoy of a time of tranquility for himself same, that revitaliza in the psychological and emotional plan and endows him of new forces to face the rest of the pregnancy.
The quiromasajista is able to relieve a lot of ailments of the women during the pregnancy
But besides, the massages have a therapeutic effect for the mothers.
With his work, the quiromasajista is able to relieve many of the ailments that suffer the women during the pregnancy, like the ache of back, the ciática or the retention of liquid
(And the consistent swell of legs and feet).
Types of massages during the pregnancy
The pregnant woman can receive distinct types of massages in function of his therapeutic needs or of relaxation. These are the most common treatments by which can opt the gestantes.
Therapeutic massage in the pregnancy: this type of treatment is oriented to the relief of some of the most frequent aches, like the caused by muscular contractures or by the ciática.
This condition is very common in the gestation, consequence of the inflammation of the nerve ciático; it produces an intense ache in the lumbar zone, that can extend to the rest of the leg. The massage in the zones affected relieves the ache and help to reduce the muscular tension.
Circulatory massage: can make from the fourth month of pregnancy to actuate the circulation
Of the pregnant woman and warn, of this way, problems related with the retention of liquids. The masajista incidirá, especially, in the extremities, especially in the inferior (legs) that it is where exists main risk of swell and heaviness by the circulatory alterations that produce during the pregnancy.
Massage relajante: the stress or anxiety that affects to a lot of women during the gestation can delete or, at least, diminish with a precise massage that help to relax the body and the mind
Of the future mother; especially when it enjoys in a calm and cosy environment. The woman can receive well a generic corporal massage (that it include distinct zones) or a manipulation in some specific part of the body, like the head or the feet.