
It treats of a method to treat injuries and muscular aches that splits with an experience of more than 30 years.
It treats of a method to treat injuries and muscular aches that splits with an experience of more than 30 years. The doctor Kenzo Kase, developed the tapes with the idea to stabilise the musculature of the back after a correction quiropráctica. This experience showed that this application reduces aches and inflammations very fast. Japan and the EE UU practise this method. In the year 2000 treated to more than 5,5 million Japanese with this.
Like this it uses the KINESIOTAPE, for the treatment of muscular injuries and of similar form for articular problems, neurológico ligamentosos. In addition to reducing the inflammation and improve the drainage, deletes accumulations of liquids, like edemas and products of waste. Thus, this method has gone in in the world of the rehabilitation and sportive medicine.
In the application have a lifting of the skin and like this augments the space intersticial. The patient notes a relief of the fast ache. With the treatment help to the lymphatic system to remove products of waste.
A lot of doctors of sportive medicine, quiromasajistas already use the KINESIOTAPE stops:
- Muscular or articular injuries, sprains, breaks of muscular fibre.
- Arthritis and artrosis, syndrome of the tunnel carpiano, chronic aches of the back, hernia discal. Scoliosis, especially in boys.
- Problems of the knee, headaches and migraines by muscular tension, lymphatic drainage. The professionals that use this method, have obtained a degree for the good use of the treatment.
The Kinesio Cover, has infinity of applications, from dysfunctions and pathologies of the device locomotor (tendinitis, contractures, artropatías,…) until other problems like headache, of stomach, menstrual, faringitis, asthma, allergies, retention of liquids…
This type of vendaje bases in the liberty of movement. With the functional method, the vendaje already dió a twist to the facilitation of the movement, restricting only said movement in the sense of the injury. But the Kinesio Cover does not involve restriction any. Simply it corrects and it complements forces, helping to that the body actuate his powerful systems of autocuración.
The character hipoalergénico of the vendaje, the softness of the tissue, his durability and resistance to the water (hard of 3-5 days without despegarse) do it recommended for all type of skins and applications.
Main functions:
- It improves the flow of the corporal liquids.
- Support of the muscle.
- Help to correct the articular problems, ligamentosos, muscular and of fascias.
- Active the Endogenous Analgesic Systems.
- Also they use so much for ligaments as for sinews, muscles, articular capsules, scars, etc.
- The Vendaje Neuromuscular can use jointly with other therapies like the crioterapia, hydrotherapy, massage and electrical stimulation among others.