Massage Cyriax

It arrives until layers underneath of the skin and the cellular tissue subcutáneo, to achieve muscles, sinews, ligaments…
In front of an injury of the soft tissues of organism (muscles, ligaments, sinews or fascias) the worst that can do is to leave cicatrizar by himself alone the injury. This will cause calcifications, inflammations and chronic contractures and decrease of the optimum rank of mobility (ROM),among others effects. A method recognised and amply extended among the connoisseurs of the world of the sport is the massage transverso deep of Cyriax.
The Dr. James Cyriax (1904 – 1985) revolutionised the traditional massage with his new form of application, since the form to make it is transversa to the structures lesionadas, to the fibres, in comparison with the lesionadas. Besides, it is considered deep because it arrives until layers underneath of the skin and the cellular tissue subcutáneo, to achieve muscles, sinews, ligaments….It is thus that also designates Friction Transversa Deep (FTP).
Aims. Maintain a good mobility of the tissues lesionados.
Conserve the most physiological movement possible in the interior of the structure lesionada, inhibit the formation of scars and of abnormal tissue, avert the formation of adherencias among the fibrillas and the distinct tissues. Cause a local hyperemia, in the zone of the injury, with what diminishes the ache.